01925 555567
07799 781804
Tailored Tutoring
Achieve real progress with our personalised learning plans. Take control of your learning journey with our dedicated DBS checked tutors.

Achieve real progress
Unlock your full potential with our personalised tuition, designed to meet their unique learning needs. Our dedicated tutors provide tailored support to help your child excel academically. Plus, parents can easily access all tuition plans and receive weekly feedback through our convenient Parent Portal. Together, we foster a love of learning and ensure your child's success!

You're in control
Join us with no joining fee and the flexibility to cancel at any time. Choose between in-centre or online tuition, allowing you to select the option that best your child's needs. We prioritise your convenience and aim to provide the best learning experience possible. Empower your child’s education with us today!

The learning journey
Assessments and personalised tuition plans ensure that each session is tailored to meet your child's learning needs. With clear outlines of what will be covered, you can trust that the tuition create the most effective learning pathway for your child. This approach not only enhances understanding but also boosts confidence in their abilities.
All of our tuition is available online or in one of our local tuition centres in Warrington, Widnes, Runcorn & surrounding areas
Our tuition subjects
Unlock your child's potential with an exceptional tutor and a personalised curriculum. Explore our tuition for GCSE, SATS, 11 Plus, and more, and watch them thrive!

Maths Made Easy
Maths Tutors for Comprehensive Tuition: From Times Tables to Quadratic Equations, Providing the Confidence Your Child Needs to Excel with Private Maths Tuition.

A-to-Z English Tuition
From Primary to GCSE and Secondary School Levels, Our Expert English Tutors Provide Private Tuition for Reading and Writing Excellence, Guiding Students from Phonics to Comprehension to High-Level Analysis.

Unlocking the Secrets of Science
For students grappling with the intricacies of physics, chemistry, and biology, our private science tuition is the solution. Our expert science tutors simplify complex concepts, making science accessible and understandable.

Entrance Exam Success
If you're thinking about grammar school for your child, 11+ tuition can make the difference. Even the brightest students can benefit for the support and guidance of our 11+ tutors towards entrance exam success.

Expert exam help for GCSE students
Give them that extra confidence boost for their exams with the guidance of a GCSE tutor. Our private GCSE tuition focuses on building robust subject knowledge and developing exam technique, whether its GCSE maths, English or science.

Quality tuition, conveniently online
Not able to make into one of our centres? We offer 1-1 tuition online! Online tutors use a dedicated learning platform to cover everything from primary school phonics tuition to GCSE maths tuition.

J Silva
My 15-year-old son went here for tuition in Maths and English, for the run up to his GCSEs. He massively improved and he went into his exams with loads of confidence. Now my 10-year-old daughter goes, and I can see the improvements in her. It’s a lovely place and my kids really like the tutors.
H Parker
Both my son's have been tutored by Simon and his fantastic team for 11+ exams. Both were successful in their exams. The tutors are knowledgeable, friendly and have a brilliant relationship with the students. I would absolutely recommend 3Rs to anyone looking for tuition for their child.
Subjects & school levels
Our Prices
Flexible Payment Options: Choose Weekly or Monthly for Tuition Fees. Visit Our Fees Page for Pricing Details and Information on Available Assistance. All Tuition Subject to Terms and Conditions. The prices shown are for in centre tuition only. Please see our Online Page for one to one prices
Choose the option below you'd like to book
Complete 11+ Assessment lasting two hours
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2 hr
22 British poundsFOR YEARS 1 TO 5 & YEARS 7 TO 10
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1 hr
Maths, Science and/or English Tuition
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1 hr
22 British pounds
Due to the complexity of the material and the need for a specialist tutor, please book A Level tuition by contacting us directly.
Only one offer per family. Free trials are not available for Year 6 SATs, GCSE Year 11 and A Levels. Free trials are not available for online tuition.